Keyboard Covers and Biosafe Anti-microbial Keyboard Covers

Protect keyboard users from Covid-19 and microbials. DataCal sells over 6,000 different protective keyboard covers. Biosafe anti-microbial keyboard covers are treated with a protective polymer resin that inhibits microbial growth. All covers can be easily removed and cleaned/disinfected without damaging the cover. Because each cover is made for your specific keyboard, we ask that you contact us to insure the perfect fit.
$17.95 for Biosafe anti-microbial covers
$13.95 per standard cover.
Quantity pricing discounts available.
We accept POs from schools and other institutions.
Please call 1-800-223-0123 or select Contact Us, and a Datacal representative will contact you in 1 business day.
Please include Manufacturer, Model and Part number of your keyboard in the comment section of the request.